Registration now open for 2025!
Where can kids age 10-14 run an entire town? Where could an 11-year-old be elected mayor, and a 10-year-old host a TV news program? Where could your student work together with other campers their age to make an entire economy succeed? At JA BizTown Summer Camp! Join us for this action-packed, immersive camp experience where students will run a business, manage the money they earn, and even create a pitch for a brand-new business idea!
Regular price is $359 for 9am to 4pm
Extended care extra $75 (total $434) for 8am to 5pm
2025 Weekly Summer Camp Dates & Locations:
June 23-27: Portland
July 7-11: Hillsboro
July 21-25: Portland
August 4-8: Hillsboro
Summer Camp Overview
Campers explore their skills, abilities, and interests and how that can help them identify a career in the future. They explore the businesses and jobs available in JA BizTown, apply for positions that interest them, and participate in interviews.
Campers discover their first job of the week, and work together with their business team to prepare to open their business. They learn about how each business and individual works together to create a successful community. Campers also learn about managing their money and making other decisions that can help set them up for the future they dream of.
Campers get to work and learn how to be a part of a successful business team and practice managing their own money and tracking their spending. Campers learn from business leaders about what it takes to create a successful business and begin to think about what unmet needs the JA BizTown community has.
Campers take their business skills to the next level by taking control of the marketing and operating strategy as part of a new business team. Students work together to overcome unexpected challenges and learn by trying out ideas and strategies to make their business successful.
Campers put into practice all the skills and knowledge they gained throughout the week and become entrepreneurs by creating a future business for JA BizTown. Campers complete a business plan and a presentation to a group of judges, competing for a series of prizes.
Questions? See our Summer Camp FAQs or learn more about JA BizTown.